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January 20, 2021

After a long and dreary winter, March is bringing spring. Spring carries a renewed desire to be outdoors, clean the house, and refresh everything about the home! Typical March trends are promoting home décor items and giving your customers fun ways to freshen up their space.

Some of the best products to sell in March include:

  • Bathroom décor
  • Phone cases
  • Kitchen décor
  • Wall art and tapestries
  • Doormats

Different March Trends to Join

National Pi Day

Pi Day is celebrated around the world every March 14th. It’s a fun way to combine education about Pi and eating pie! Pi is a constant value used in math and represents the circumference of a circle to its diameter. To top off this zany holiday, March 14th also happens to be Einstein’s birthday.

So how do people celebrate?

Many people wear fun T-shirts, drink out of a Pi-inspired mug, and of course, eat pie! Sweet or savory pie is the food of the day!

Product Inspiration

Mugs are always a popular seller online. Last year, GearLaunch sellers sold over 82,000 mugs! Put a fun Pi design on a mug and see your sales soar. Start inspiring customers early, so they have their Pi mug in time for the holiday.

Marketing Inspiration

When it comes to marketing on social media, it’s important to have organic content and paid ads. Make sure you’re targeting a specific demographic for the best success. If you’re running ads on Facebook, remember you can only put text on 20% of the image.

Choose or create images that are:

  • Bright and colorful
  • Avoid blue or white on Facebook because they won’t stand out on the platform.
  • Make sure your ad is the right size

St. Patrick’s Day

No March trend is complete without St. Patrick’s Day! Last year, the National Retail Federation (NRF) survey showed that since 2011, the holiday alone attracts more than half of consumers. The survey also discovered the ways most consumers plan to commemorate the holiday.

Infographic on "How consumers plan to celebrate St. Patrick's Day": 79% wear green, 28% make a special dinner, 27% attend a party at a restaurant/bar, 24% decorate home or office, 19% attend a private party, 15% attend a parade, 12% host a party

Source: NRF’s 2020 Annual St. Patrick’s Day Spending Survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics

While many people will do their shopping locally in search of food and beverage items, 11% of those surveyed say they plan to shop online. Shoppers everywhere will be looking for fun, unique items to help them celebrate the day.

Product Inspiration

While t-shirts may be the obvious product to sell, consider adding jewelry to the mix this year. It’s a popular item online, and the right design will sell like hotcakes. One way to generate excitement about your jewelry designs is to create a limited-edition collection. Show off a variety of St. Patrick’s Day-inspired designs on bangles and necklaces.

Woman wearing a gold necklace with a circular pendant that has the Irish flag in the shape of a heart

Marketing Inspiration

If you want the best results with a holiday-themed campaign:

  1. Try building the hype by talking it up on social media and with your email campaigns
  2. Let your customers know you plan to release your limited edition jewelry soon
  3. Create urgency by only selling your products for a short period of time or have a sale for “today only”

Spring Equinox

As customers begin clearing out the winter cobwebs from their homes, they’ll be ready to freshen up their spaces! They’ll love a new doormat or a bright, floral pattern in their bathroom or bedroom.

As you create your designs, think about how you can help them freshen up and brighten their living spaces. Spring begins March 1st and lasts until June 1st, which means you can market your spring designs for a few months!

Product Inspiration

Our ever-expanding product options give you plenty of opportunities with your audience! Do they love wall art? Do they love decorating their bedroom? Create a fun design they’ll love!

Remember, as you create designs for home décor, creating collections is a quick way to please customers and cross-sell complementary products.

Marketing Inspiration

According to Google Trends, the phrase “spring sales” is trending all month long during March.

Graph showing interest in spring sales over time

What does that mean for your marketing?

It means you should be running a “spring sale” promotion for the products and designs you are selling. Target those keywords in your promotions and on your site for visibility. Use email marketing to your advantage and let your audience know they can take advantage of your sale.

Spring Calls-to-Action:

Spring Sale this {time frame} only!

Spring Must-Have {product}. Shop now!

Don’t miss your last chance to save! Buy {products} now.

No matter what you focus your campaigns on for March, there is plenty of opportunities for you to make money with your print-on-demand business.

Find more March trends inspiration below!

Calendar showing a variety of March holidays